Saturday, December 15, 2007

Connections Between House and Holmes

House Photo

For anyone who thinks we are reading too much into a connection between Sherlock Holmes and Gregory House that was never intended, the creator of "House" (David Shore) gave an interview for an article in Zap2It by Kate O'Hare in January 2005 that said:
"...Anytime one says 'puzzle' and 'brilliant deduction' in the same sentence, one can't help but think of the great fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and his trusty sidekick, Dr. Watson. And indeed, Holmes -- and the real-life physician that inspired him, Dr. Joseph Bell -- were very much inspirations for 'House.'"
...Shore also hopes to draw more parallels to Holmes by drawing House's best, and likely only, friend, oncologist Dr. Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard), into the Watson role.
"We're looking for Wilson to step up in that regard, as House's everyman, leaning over his shoulder and going, 'How'd you do that?' And more important, 'Why'd you do that?'...."
            — "labyrinth" posted a link to this article in the Television Without Pity House Forum

Sherlock Holmes

  • Can deduce a great deal from just looking at a person.
  • Holmes' creator based the character on a doctor.
  • His name sounds like "Homes"
  • Sherlock Holmes fought deadly criminals
  • Used cocaine to escape boredom
  • Holmes calls even his best friend by his last name
  • Arrogant. Said humility would be a lie
  • Read the agony columns in the paper
  • Languid and lazy when not on a case.
  • His closest friend had problems with a wound in his leg (although initially, the wound was in his shoulder)
  • Music is very important to Holmes and he plays the violin.
  • Aloof, although less so with his only friend and roommate.
  • Sherlock Holmes lives at 221B Baker St.

Gregory House, MD

  • Can deduce and diagnose a great deal just from looking at a person.
  • His name is another word for "Home"
  • Fights deadly germs, diseases and other medical problems.
  • Uses Vicodin for pain in his leg. And maybe for boredom.
  • House calls all his associates by their last names
  • Greg House is extremely arrogant.
  • Watches soaps, plays video games, etc.
  • Lazy until he is forced to look into something that intrigues him.
  • Has a medical problem in his leg.
  • Music is very important to House and he plays the piano.
  • Keeps everyone except Wilson at a distance.
  • In #207 "Hunting" we discover House lives at 221B — we see the number as House and Wilson leave in the morning (but we don't know the street). See a screen caption of the address clearly visible behind Wilson as he leaves House's home.



Quotes Holmes says about Himself

"I have a lot of special knowledge which I apply to the problem, and which facilitates matters wonderfully."

"I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather — that is, when the fit is on me, for I can be spry enough at times."


**Information is taken from House Website click HERE

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